Наконец-то стало можно прийти на наши защиты, не приходя при этом в ИТМО! I am happy to invite you to a great event: defense of master’s theses of our program “Machine Learning and Data Analysis”. The meeting will be held tomorrow 10 June 2020 at 10:00 (GMT+3, Msc time) in Zoom: https://itmo.zoom.us/j/86810161341?pwd=MGVwREtibU5TenZxZCtjN0NERHZTQT09 1. Nandan Neerad “User Behaviour Analysis in Online Social Networks” (approx. at 10:00) 2. Bogacheva Eugenia “Applying Machine Learning Methods to Detect Causal Connections in the Psychological Tests Results” (approx. at 10:30) 3. Torgashev Nikita “Semantic Segmentation of 3D Mesh Models” (approx. at 11:00) 4. Nerinovsky Arseniy “Image Synthesis with Generative Models for Realistic Text Inpainting” (approx. at 11:30) 5. Mrutu Prosper “Automated Segmentation of Microstructure Computer Tomography Images” (approx. at 12:00) 6. Wang Guan “New Survey on Automatic Text Summarization with Neural Network and Transformer Models” (approx. at 12:30) 7. Stein Gideon “Transformer Based Action Sequence Generation in Reinforcement Learning Settings” (approx. at 13:00) 8. Asadulaev Arip “Conditioning in Reinforcement Learning Agents Policy Optimization” (approx. at 13:30)